Scoil Maelruain Senior
Board of Management – Annual Report 2015
Board of Management 2014-2015
Chairperson – Mr. Frank Moran
Patron’s Rep – Ms. Martina Comerford
Secretary – Ms. Caitriona Hogan
Teacher Rep – Ms. Margaret Murphy
Parent Reps – Mr. Thomas Conway, Ms. Mairead Cullivan
Community Reps – Ms. Paula McGuigan, Ms. Aileen O’Toole
School Ethos
The staff and children of Scoil Maelruain work in tandem with our Parish team to uphold our Catholic ethos. Daily prayers and regular attendance at mass with the children actively participating has deepened our partnership with Breda our Pastoral Worker and Fr. Michael. Over eighty children were confirmed by Bishop Eamonn Walsh on June 5th. Both Bishop Eamonn and Fr. Michael praised the children for their reverent behaviour. We had a very successful visit from the Diocesan Advisers at the start of the year.
Summer Works/Buildings
The BOM is in ongoing discussion regarding the Department’s proposed development/expansion of Scoil Maelruain.
As four third classes are transferring from the Junior School the computer room is reverting to a regular classroom. Two small portacabins will serve as resource rooms.
There are currently nineteen teachers in Scoil Maelruain – thirteen classroom teachers and six support teachers. Mr. O’Neill is extending his career break for another year. Ms. D. O’Reilly is also taking a career break. Best wishes to Ns. F. Holland who is going on maternity leave. Congratulations to Ms. Dunning on the birth of her baby daughter. Ms. Dunning is returning to work in September. We welcome Mr. Ronan Kelly to our staff.
Policy Development
The BOM and staff of Scoil Maelruain worked on an attendance policy and a drama plan this year. The child protection policy and anti bullying policy was also reviewed.
Extra Activities
The Board would like to convey its thanks to all the teachers who work so hard and give the children so many opportunities to develop their talents. Congratulations to the quiz teams, hurlers, athletes, basketballers, footballers camogie players choir members and chess players who represented the school so well. We are proud of your achievements.
Curricular Development
The staff and BOM of Scoil Maelruain engaged with the School Self Evaluation process last year. The focus was on numeracy. Standardised test results were analysed, parents’ and teachers’ surveys were evaluated and pupils were interviewed. All this data was then collated and used to draw up a School Improvement Plan. The BOM would like to take this opportunity to applaud the good work being done in the area of numeracy. Work on literacy is ongoing.
Parents’ Association
The BOM of Scoil Maelruain would like to thank the Parents’ Association for their tremenduous support and trojan work throughout the year. The children and staff benefit from all their hard work. Thanks in particular for the very generous donation towards the purchase of 16 more laptops and a trolley. A big thank you also to the Lotto Committee !!!
The school will reopen on August 31st