
3rd and 4th Class Awards

Well done to all the 3rd and 4th class students who received medals today. Medals were given out for Sports Day, hurling, choir, Santry, Quiz team and attendance.

Ms. Biesty’s Class Construction

Classes were delighted to attend a construction expo. held by Ms. Biesty’s 5th class. There were lots of imaginative constructions made entirely from recycled materials. The children fielded a range of questions about their individual items and their stories behind the constructions were very interesting. Well done to everyone involved.

Awards Ceremony 2013

Well done to all the recipients of awards this year. Thanks to our past pupil the current Lord Mayor of South Dublin Co. Council was presenting the awards to the children. A special congratulations to Josh who received pupil of the year.

Causey Farm 2013

The 4th class school tour took place on Wednesday June 19th with a trip to Causey Farm outside Navan. It was a great day filled with lots of fun and bog! Children had a tour of the farm, fun with painting and bubbles, a tractor trip and a wonderfully messy adventure in the bog. Check out the photos….

Summer Closing

The school will close at 12 o’clock on Friday 28th June

Confirmation 2013

Congratulations to all the boys and girls who were confirmed on Friday June 7th. There was great praise for everyone involved and the choir were fantastic.

Thanks to all those who helped prepare the hall for the Confirmation breakfast which proved very popular.

Rhona McCarton provided a very delicious chocolate biscuit cake.

Sustainable Energy Workshop in Tallaght Library

On 5th of June 2013 we went to Tallaght Library for a SEAI workshop .

When we got there we went into a room with a lady called Sophie. There were lemons and little wires. We made a light from a lightbulb and the lemons . We played games and did more experiments it was really fun.

We  danced and made rockets using vitamin c tablets. We  watched a video and  it showed what we do to create electricity and what is happening to the world with so much  electricity from renewable (water)  and non renewable (oil) sources.

We learned that we need to save energy rather than waste it.

We would like to go again because  it was fun.

Class reporters: Shaun Barry and Sam Stewart